Better Visibility On Bulk Actions
Bulk actions, such as sending, deleting, refreshing, or exporting multiple settlements simultaneously, are designed to streamline your workflow. However, user feedback has shown that the clarity of the bulk action process could be enhanced, particularly in two key areas:
1. Uncertainty About Update Completion
In the past, if an update was applied to a large volume of data, A2X would process the action in the background before changing the status of the settlement. This sometimes created confusion about whether the action had been completed successfully or if it needed to be reattempted.
To provide more clarity, now, while the bulk action is in progress, the module will display the number of settlements posted out of the total being sent. Once all are posted the progress bar loader automatically disappears. This will prevent unnecessary reinitiations of bulk actions.

2. Limited visibility on specific action results
There may be instances when actions can be applied to some of your settlements, but not others. This made it challenging to determine which settlements had been successfully processed and which hadn’t been.
To improve your user experience and provide more transparency, we’ve updated A2X to improve the visibility of your bulk actions. Now, A2X will distinctly highlight any settlements with errors and provide clear explanations of what needs to be addressed. This should allow you to manage and troubleshoot your bulk actions more effectively.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Success team via the chat in the bottom corner of the screen, or by emailing contact@a2xaccounting.com.
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